We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all our sponsors, and we would greatly appreciate your support in the years to come. Without you, none of our events would be possible, and our mission to spread FIRST would not be successful. Thank you for your support!
EDS fund
The Educational Development and Stimulus Fund (EDSFUND) is an organization created by private individuals and manufacturers to provide financial assistance to STEM/STEAM educational endeavors, technically and artistically oriented vocational training programs, robotics teams, and formally organized groups of Makers and Hackers. Visit their website at edsfund.org
Light Bend
Boston Scientific is a worldwide developer, manufacturer, and marketer of medical devices. Their products are used to diagnose or treat a range of medical conditions, including heart,digestive,and chronic pain conditions. Visit their website at bostonscientific.com.
Brin-Wojcicki Foundation
Click away is an award-winning sale, service, repair, and networking company. They strive to provide the excellent technical expertise and customer service. Visit their website at ClickAway.com