

WRRF Workshops

Presentations by Lynbrook Robotics students and mentors at the annual WRRF Robotics Workshops in San Jose, CA.

Introduction to CAD with Autodesk Inventor (2013)

A top-down approach to learning CAD by first doing an assembly, and then making a part. Concepts are applied on a "need to know" basis. For example, screen navigation is explored when assembling parts, rather than introducing it as a subject by itself. Presented 12/14/2013 by students Anurag Makineni and Rahul Iyer (5hrs total).

Introduction to Robot Subsystems (2014) (25.2MB)

An overview of the basic components of an FRC robot: the drivetrain, electronics, sensors, and pneumatics. Intended to give rookie members a jump-start introduction to FIRST robots. Presented 12/13/2014 by students Owen Li, Kushal Tirumala, Vijay Venkatesan, Shikhar Jagadeesh, Alex Shmakov, Jing-Chen Peng,Brent Yi, Raphael Chang, Srinjoy Majumdar, Richard Yang, Amrita Iyer,Nikita Seth, Pragna Upputuri, Prapurna Upputuri (2 hrs).
Earlier Versions:

  • 2013  (23.3MB) Presented 12/14/2013 by students Eva Lomazov, Owen Li, Srinjoy Majumdar, Alex Shmakov, Brent Yi, Raphael Chang, Manoj Vasishta, Akhil Padmanabha, and Pransu Dash (2.5hrs).
  • 2012  (23.3MB) Presented 12/8/2012 by students Joshua Yuan, Kenny Yuan, Harrison Shen, Srinjoy Majumdar, Joseph Thomas, Brian Axelrod, Brent Yi, Maitreyee Joshi, Eric Yeh, Anurag Makineni, Michael Chang, and Akshat Agrawal (2.75hrs).
  • 2011  (14.9MB) Presented 12/10/2011 by students Miles Chan, Akshat Agrawal, Anurag Makineni, Jackie Zhang, Brian Axelrod, Michael Lin, and Eric Yeh (2.75hrs).
  • 2010 (11.2MB) Presented 12/11/2010 by students Yiming Jen, Haochuan Ni, Karthik Viswanathan, Brian Axelrod, Nikhil Unni, Sarat Calamur, Chinmay Jaju, and Alric Siu (2.75hrs).
  • 2008 (6.9MB) Presented 9/27/2008 by students David Liu, Johnathan Chai, Michael Wachenschwanz, Aashish Sreedharan, and Toshi Tachibana.

DC Permanent Magnet Motors (8.6 MB)

DC Motor Tutorial: Selecting Motor and Gear Ratios for a Winch Application.Topics: torque & force; motor torque vs speed; input vs output power; gear ratio selection . Presented 12/13/2014 by David Giandomenico.

Supporting Files:

Earlier Versions:

Throwing Balls and other stuff (39 MB)

How to launch objects with spinning wheels and catapults.  Topics include transfer of rotational to linear momentum; energy losses and how to calculate the time to launch speed.

Relative Difficulty: Advanced veteran students and adults.  2Hr presentation.
Prerequisites:  Physics - Force, work, energy, conservation of momentum. Math - derivatives; exp(x) function.

Feedback Control for your Robot's Drivetrain (2.4MB)

Using dynamic braking for better turning; velocity control of motors, basic stability in control loops. Presented 12/11/2010 by mentor David Giandomenico (1.5hrs).

Basic Control Systems (2.4MB)

Introduces proportional feedback systems to control position and speed. Includes methods to measure speed, tips on how to quickly adjust parameters, and how to deal with load changes when game pieces are handled. Presented 12/5/2009 by mentor David Giandomenico.

PWM Motor Control with IFI Robotics Victor884 Electronic Speed Controller. (2.6MB)

PWM control -- no load speed vs duty cycle; speed regulation; PWM current & voltage. Presented 9/15/2007 by David Giandomenico

How to Get Started Programming the EDU/VEX/FRC Robot Controllers.

Contains a step-by-step progression of simple 'C' code for the IFI EDU Controller Requires MICROCHIPs MPLab IDE.  Presented 11/2005 by David Giandomenico